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Alan Brown's picture

Help requested

This is another image taken around my neighborhood, where I really wanted to capture the gorgeous Fall foliage.

There is one element of this image that is nagging at me - I'm unsure if it blatantly obvious to others or just me being picky as I understand the process.

I'd love feedback on immediate impressions, especially if anything strikes you as being amiss. Of course if you like as-is I'd like to know that too - all opinions help and are really appreciated.

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Do I see a hint of ICM on the trunk of the tree and in the background? I'm not sure if that's your element that's nagging you, but I think it adds a neat interest to the image myself. That was the first thing that I noticed.

Thanks for your feedback Matthew. The image is built from 10-20 shots taken in an arc round the front of the tree - largely to dissolve the detail of the adjacent residences. No other ICM was used.

I'm wondering what others may feel, and will give the chance to respond before revealing.