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Matthew Lacy's picture

Motion in the Woods

I haven't had a lot of time for actually taking photos this summer, but I am trying to work some with editing older photos that I didn't make time for during the school year. In keeping with the July theme, I have taken the time to (finally) edit a photo that I took in late May. I have two takes on it here, both with very different intentions. The first was meant to more accurately portray the lighting of the scene as it was when I shot, while the second was altered to give a more autumnal feel. I love the leaves in autumn and I wanted to have a color scheme matching that more closely. As always, any feedback is welcome.

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I think you did a great job Matthew. I think I like you second photograph better. Especially full-sized.

I do agree with you on that Dean.

These are really pretty, Matthew. I like both the same so maybe a mixture of both? So did you use ICM while taking the photo or create it in post? I think you did a great job with both!