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Jennifer Wise's picture

Image Revisit (September Challenge)

A few years ago at the beginning of my photography journey, I was taking classes with NYIP and experimenting with the lessons I was learning. One of the courses was Photoshop for Photographers, and I was beginning the software with absolutely no experience whatsoever. At the same time, my then 16 year old, dragon-loving daughter had gotten a going-out-of-business sized deal at Kmart on a silly dragon costume. We decided to do a fun shoot of her being serious in this silly costume. The idea was to make her appear as if she was on the verge of taking off after perching a moment on a cloud.

#1 is the SOOC RAW file (converted to jpg)
#2 is the original embarrassingly-best-I-could-do Photoshop edit from 2019
#3 is the a revisit per the group challenge.

My first DSLR: Canon EOS 800D
Studio Light Kit

This was an interesting challenge because on one hand, I cringe at the pictures and edits I did back then while at the same time, I feel a sense of accomplishment that I actually have improved. I remember struggling so hard just to get from image #1 to #2. Very frustrating and time consuming at the time, but working on this revisit (#3) was a relaxing and enjoyable diversion except now that I know more about the process of taking images, I cringe at those mistakes I realized that I made in the exposure, focus, and even white balance.

I think if I have more time to work on this one in the future, I would like to give it the feel of her perching inside of/on a cloud. Any ideas?

This was a great challenge, Alan. I really enjoyed and appreciated it.

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I'm thinking perched on a stump in a mystical fantasy forest. 🙂

Here's an embarrassing admission - back then I was supposed to enter several contests as part of my courses. I did terrible composite of 4 photos - this one, a treasure chest, a pile of jewels, and a dark forest. I put her on top of the jewels inside of the chest and all within the forest. It was horrible, and has since been deleted or else I'd post it here. Anyway, revisiting would be a fun idea. Thanks Joe. Hope you're doing well!

I'm doing pretty good. I'm finally able to get back out on the trails as the Summer heat is starting to fade a little. Found a few mushrooms already!

When it comes to "photo bashing" can be extremely tricky and take a lot of practice to get right. But great fun when the results are good... and as you said, if the results are sub- just delete and never talk about it again.. hehe. Like anything, just takes practice. 🙂

Good news that you're able to get back out there. What's the back story on mushrooms? Are you a mushroom fan? We keep getting peeks of fall then summer comes back fully for a few days. We live in a very humid area too. Can't wait until things dry out and cool down in the fall!

I don't pick or eat wild mushrooms but they are a lot of fun to photograph. The season starts Mid September then right though November up here in the Northeast. Its been super hot and dry this summer so very much looking forward to autumn. :)

Okay, I see. I had asked because i was wondering if you knew mushrooms. I came across this "thing" the other night - is it a Chicken of the Woods? My all-knowing Google lens tells me it is, but when research it, they grow on trees and not so much on the ground.

I forget how Northeast you are, Joe; but here in PA it's the same with the hot and dry in most areas. The reason it's so humid right here is because PA Dutch Country is covered with corn and other crop fields. Just an acre of corn evaporates 3,000-4,000 gallons of water a day.

Here's the image of that mushroom ...

Nice! yeah no clue what type that is. I have the mushroom app on my phone for when in the wild.

Not not too much more north from you, I'm right next door in Connecticut. 🙂

It's funny you say that the lessons learned over the year(s) how you became more comfortable in your editing. I too have gotten more comfortable and have played with my older photos to be surprised that just re-editing them that they actually look pretty good. I like your transitions from Photo 1 to 2 then the final photo in 3. When I first got home after taking this shot of the Canadian Geese, I tried editing the color photo on the left, and I couldn't get it right, so I then started exploring what it would look like as a black & white the one on the right, well it was my final editing....the final outcome surprised me...

WOW, Don! That b&w is a gorgeous work of art. I'm super partial to texture rich and contrast-y black and white images; so yours is really a treat to behold. I had to smile about your comment, "... I couldn't get it right, so I then started exploring what it would look like as a black & white..." Whenever I have an image that I just can't get right, my first go to is to wonder what b&w could do for the image. Good to know I'm not alone. Lol! I'd love to know a little of your process for this one because I'm still trying to achieve b&w like yours. Hope you are well!

This image has converted beautifully Don. Just goes to prove the old expression "if at first you don't succeed........ try black and white" :-)

Hi Jennifer. I am struggling with the concept of a dragon perching on a cloud but agree with Joe's suggestion of using a stump (or perhaps a rock etc)
Perhaps you could add a suitable background in Photoshop. Included is something I banged up in MidJourney/AI just to give an idea.

precisely what I was thinking Alan. 🙂

it was foggy, and you couldn't see the stump...

Very rough edit, BUT I did do research on the different ways to add a subject onto a background, how to remove a background, and how to blend the layers. Took notes and will play around with compositing more in the future to make a more natural image. Thanks for the encouragement. I appreciate it!

Do you mean your the-16-year-old daughter would actually speak with you? Amazing! Mine went crazy at thirteen and did not become human again until she returned from her service in the Peace Corps 12 years later. ;)

She leave at the age of 13?

Lol, Andrew! She's really a sweet girl. I had 4 girls and 3 boys. The boys were soooooo much easier to raise. The girls were always "speaking" - maybe a little too much some days for me to handle.