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Dean Wilson's picture

A Light Casserole

I cannot be sure if I got this half-baked idea from the Cooking Lite magazine or not.

Light Casserole

Go to a dark place.
Place a glass Pyrex casserole dish on a piece of black paper.
Next pour tap water (about three-quarters full).
Set the Aperture to 5.
Focal Length to 50mm.
Add 6-Stop ND
Set exposure time to 10 seconds.

While exposing, stir in multiple light colors.

When finished, crop in Lightroom and serve.

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I need a photo studio.

Great idea, Dean. I love the "stir in multiple light colors." How did you "stir" it in, and what kind of lights did you use?

I used a Godox TL30 set to alternating flashing colors and rotated around the tripod twice.

Heck, I love your creativity Dean, you put the rest of us to shame. I also love that you include the setup (was the water heater an integral part of the shot) and description to help others.

Was the filter used really a 6-stop grad, or did you mean 6-stop ND as suspected?

oops, ND. 🫤

This is a very cool idea. I like the photo... thanks for sharing!