Something from my morning walk.
That's what I like about large sensors you have the ability to crop in without the cost of adding noise.
My old DSLR with a 12.2 MP APS-C sensor and a 300mm kit lens could never give the same results as my 45 MP Mirrorless sensor when cropping.
So if you needed distance do you think it is better to have a long focal length lens than a large MP sensor? Or do you prefer a long lens and a small sensor?
To me file size doesn't matter so I choose BOTH!
(Camera JPEG for reference)
R5 w/100-500
f/7.1 ~ 1/1000 ~ ISO 400 ~ 500mm
I like the crop, nice photo, there is nothing in the length crop that adds to the picture for me…
I'm not crazy about the bottom of your crop. It kind of pushes the photo up so to speak. Here, the loops reflection the top of the posts and the "noose" balances off the bird and can even signify death. Also, that "support" below the bird where it's standing gives the photo a little tension because it looks not very supportive.
I was considering including the plant on the left side of the post below but nothing on the right side matches it like it does above, sort of ruining the "opposite/reflecting" theme as my crop does.
I like your crop better. Sometimes I get focused on one aspect to the detriment of all others.
Thank you for your valuable input.
Very good points you make here, Charles! I totally agree with all of it, and like your crop as a good balance of what to include and what to exclude - and why.
Thanks, Chris. It helps that I've been taking photos for over 40 years! (Though not seriously for the whole time.)
I do like the crop and edit of the picture here Dean. I feel drawn in by the color contrasts and feel the image is more favorably balanced.
So which would you rather have...
A larger sensor or a longer focal length?
I've done a direct comparison between my a6000 24mp and the A7RII 42mp with the exact same lens and when pixel peeping it's kind of hard to tell the difference but when you look at the whole photo overall, I like the FF better. Also, I don't care for heavy but I would imagine the better FF images are offset with the smaller but "longer" APS-C lenses. I usually don't use telephotos. Six of one, half dozen of another, I guess.
I don't like the vertical crop because of the land above the bird and the plant sticking out of the left side. I do like the horizontal crop, but I agree with Charles that it needs a bit more below and on the sides. Here's mine (give or take a bit on the top and bottom).
What bird is this? It's really beautifully colored. The soft blues complement great with the rough old, textured, yellow/greens of the post!
Great Blue Heron...very common around waterways around here.
The long lens compresses the scene, I don’t think this can be achieved with cropping. Also, it allows isolating the subject from the background, because they have a shallower depth of field than a wider focal length.