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Charles Mercier's picture

Sevilla, Spain bridge

There was a walkway down the middle. Normally, I much prefer clouds but in this case, I think a perfectly blue sky makes it a far better abstract subject.

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These are really lovely, Charles. You're right that the blue sky is the perfect complement for these. Also the gradient caused by the light is just right. Good job on seeing.

Thanks as always!

Good concepts.

Thanks. Took 39 photos of the bridge in a similar vein. These I think were the best.

Nice pictures!
First one is impressive! Loved it

Thanks a lot!

A very interesting series! A minimized color version is a beautiful variation! Very well done!

Thanks. Actually, I'm a lover of colors in real life, so I always try in my photography to get as realistic colors as possible - as even with these photos. What you see is what is there!

Really like 2 and 4 the boys head in it is perfect. Congratulations!

Thanks! Yeah, I too like the kid there. I wasn't sure about taking it since I don't know who it is but it was too good to pass up!

Thanks for posting this interesting set Charles. I love the gradation of the blues and the contrasting elements.

My favorites are #1 for its graphical form, and #4 with that surprise of the boy's head.

Me too. I had to make a quick decision because he wasn't going to stay still very long.