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Joost van Baars's picture

Portraits of India

A while back I was hired as the photographer/2nd cameraman for a project in India. We shot a short cinematic, feelgood, movie there to promote a new project of our client.

We went into the slums into mumbai (with security and a small crew for production) and in my spare time there I managed to get some portraits done.

Here are 2 of my favorites.
The first is of a couple eating just outside their home (a tent on the side of a road). I tried some conversation and asked if it was ok if I took their portrait, they were fine with that and then offered me to join them for lunch. Little as they had they still offered me to join them at their lunch. Amazing.

The old lady invited me into her house to take her picture, lovely lady which, too bad, didn't speak much english.

Other than that people were really reluctant to get their picture taken, which is a shame because I've seen few places and few people as photogenic as India and the Indian people.

Both lit with Profoto light and an umbrella, though any off camera light would've done the trick ofcourse.

D810 - 24-70 F2.8.
Not much done in photoshop except some desaturation.

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1 Comment

Very nice!