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Raymond Craig's picture

Fashion Perspective Shoot

A continuing series of perspectives focusing on line and shapes for a fashion publication. It was fun to have the chance to work with someone with such acrobatic ability. (The face poking out of one of the outtakes is my talented assistant Amy).

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Not sure if you're looking for critique, so I'll just say the ones I love, the first, third and fifth!

Totally open for critique Chris thanks! I'm still pretty new to this style of improvised shots with quick turn around so I'm happy if you like any honestly. The 2nd one is just a funny outtake and the last one we ran out of time to setup lights on the opposite side so I don't feel we totally pulled that one off. A lot of credit goes to the hair/makeup/wardrobe team for working so fast

from the ones I liked, I honestly only wished the model looked taller. The other 2 images (2nd and 6th images) the posing felt very off and didn't give that fashion vibe. Otherwise the technical aspects, like lighting and composition is different and interesting, wardrobe, makeup and hair did go with the concept well here too.

You know, I actually really really dig the concept here. I like the exploration of movement, lines, pose. To take it up a notch, and this is just me speaking personally, I would love to see the model with more fashion oriented styling. It has a very grungy and athletic feel, but there is certainly potential to give this a high end polished fashion feel. Perhaps something vibrant that contrasts dark surroundings. And something flowy that can help capture the models motion. :)

Regardless, super cool. :)

Thanks Peter, I agree that would definitely make the subject pop. I think they were going for sort of an Eon Flux vibe but I think your ideas would definitely elevate it.