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My first attempt at Concert Photography

I have always had interest in Concert Photography. Something about that really peaks my creativity! This is the my first attempt at it. Hollerrado's farewell tour - Edmonton, Alberta's show. Feedback?

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Great first attempt!

Some notes:

Watch the shutter speed. At least a couple of the photos are blurry.

Watch the tilt. Almost all (if not all) are tilting to the right, which means you have the tendency to tilt the camera to the left. Just for the heck of it, I took a peek at your portfolio and you were doing the same thing to the 3 of the 4 portrait images. There's no reason to not straighten them out in post, unless it's for some creative reason, but, the images would have to be exceptional, IMO.

Most of these, they aren't really doing anything interesting or high-energy. Go to Professor Google Images for some ideas. :)

Hey, thank you for the feedback! Lots of practice ahead of me!

Not bad at all for your first show! Last picture is my favorite. That balloon gives the image so much uniqueness