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Qais Zureikat's picture

Diamond Glow

This is from a model's shoot to the benefit of a Jewelry shop in Abu Dhabi

The lighting used was a parabolic softbox to camera right, and a large umbrella with diffuser in the back with a snoot strobe on camea left..v flats were used on both sides of the model to control the light and add contrast

Camera used: Nikon D850 with Tokina 100 mm macro

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Hi Qais. The overall image is for a soft mood. Would love to learn about your thought process in having a snoot to cast prominent shadow in hand. Thanks.

Thanks Vijay, the objective of this shoot is to showcase the Jewelry...yes the overall design of lighting was soft for the benefit of the model's look, but i have decided to add a snoot for the contrast and pop i need to see in the jewelry, using hard light is good for diamonds to sparkle, notice the ring..also i like the shadow output from the earing on her neck.. the shadow in the hand is not obstructive imo plus hard light is very common in fashion photography

Thanks a lot.

my pleasure