I am looking for ways to improve on and explore different ways of using water in a shoot.
I built a gadget that brings rain into my studio. It’s a fun but messy medium to incorporate into an image. Collecting and removing the water is a big issue. I made a big tarp’ catch basin with a sink drain over the well my sump pump sits in, the pump, moves the water to the outside. It works well. Having the Hugh puddle prior to drawing brings along lots of possible reflection shots as well. It is a lot of fun.
I made this image and am pleased with it. I do wish I could fire the studio strobes on the second curtain. I have Elenchrome lights and Canon gear. So if anybody knows how to get second curtain flash trigger to work I am, as the pay say, all ears.
I would love to hear how to improve my setup, this image, and any composition ideas anybody may have.
Yeah! It raining.
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