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Tracy Whiteside's picture

Dark Art Needs Feedback

If anyone out there understands and/or appreciates dark conceptual art, I would love your feedback on these images. Please don't be mean. They are meant to be weird and more surreal. I want to approach galleries that sell this type of work but I'm unsure of what to send. Obviously I have a lot more but just picked a few I did recently. TIA

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Amateur here, so please take what I say with a grain of salt. Also, all of these are just my personal opinions.

#1) Pretty cool. Kinda hard to tell what's going on, but makes me think spiders/spiderwebs.

#2) This one is my least favorite for 2 reasons - the model's expression looks a little forced/fake, and the ribbon looks photoshopped in, especially near the mouth.

#3) My favorite of the bunch. The model's position looks correct, and the red/bloody ribbon is almost comical in a 'dark humor' kind of way. Also the most relatable.

#4) I like this one, but it's bothering me that they subject is just a bit off-center.

#5 and #7) These are the most fine-art ones to me. I can see them hanging on wall in some creepily-themed club or something.

#6) Scariest one - the blank expression, eyes, and cool toning make her look dead.

Thanks SO much for taking the time to comment. The first one is part of a series and she's in a cocoon but I really like the idea of spiderwebs-I have been messing around with it.

I have been criticized for having all my subjects in the center so I have been experimenting with crops. Think I will change this one.

I really appreciate the feedback!!