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Fraser Almeida's picture

Light Painted + HDR Highrise Condo Photo Composite

Here's a recent photo I shot using a few different techniques, light painting, hdr and sky replacements. Got the opportunity to shoot this amazing condo and decided on this angle as the money shot. Applied the light painting technique to it and composited it all together in photoshop. I used as a base the hdr image instead of the single exposure because I liked the details and punch it gave to the image, then masked in all the light painted layers and did a sky replacement on the view.

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Looks awesome!!! Great work!

My only very minor comment is the shadow next the couch on the left side of the frame. Maybe dodge it a bit so it's a tad less distracting. Again, very minor!

Thank Tom, I agree about the shadow, i'm sure I can use an ambient exposure to help blend that away.

You make a good point, Tom. Tonal transitions are something I'm trying to pay closer attention to now.

For example, this floor in general has a lot of uneven tonality. There are those that enjoy this natural chaotic pattern of the ambient--and that's completely okay with me. There are also people like myself that want to minimize this unevenness and smooth out those transitions.

Fraser, if you're interested in changing things up. I did a quick edit so you can see what I mean. Let me know if you have any Q's. Solid shot BTW!

Thanks for that edit E Port. Its nice to have another pair of eyes looking at an image. What did you do to even out the floor and ceiling? It does make a difference.

The easy way to do it is to use a curves adjustment and tweak the curve until the tones flatten out in the range you're trying to modify, like this floor. Then just mask in the adjustment.

If you want to take it a step beyond that. I'd recommend frequency separation first and apply the adjustment to the low frequency layer. This prevents the curves adjustment affecting the texture / high frequency information.

Thanks alot for the info, much appreciated!

Nicely done.

I'd like to see a little bit of reflection in those windows. Right now that view looks very painted-in.

I too have problems with smooth tonal changes when light-painting, and E-Port's suggestion is something I definitely need to try.

This is amazing and I agree about the shadow but wow...great job

Thank you Doris for the kind words :-)

LOVE the image, but HATE those mirrors in place of the windows. I'm not sure what the architect was thinking when (IMO) all he's doing is blocking the magnificent view. But again I think the image is outstanding. Nice job.

Thanks Roger and I agree about the mirrors!