This photo is one of my interior architectural images. I would appreciate any helpful critiques to improve my work. Camera: Nikon D800 • Lens: Nikkor 14-24mm wide angle zoom (set at 15mm focal length) • Shutter: 1/20th sec (tripod and cable release) • ASA 100 • Aperture f/2.8. No flash — used available light only. Very sparing HDR used to bring out texture in floor and walls.
Your technique looks quite good, but anyone is going to struggle making a compelling image of this interior. Successful architectural photography starts with a well designed building or room. My advice with this one is find better subject matter.
Thank you Jonathan.
the signature with the bottom graphic is bothering, try to avoid 15mm lenses, try to work with 24 and up unless you use TSE lenses or fix digitally the distortion
If you're going to use lenses wider than about 19mm, use DXO Viewpoint to correct the distortion. Otherwise you end up showing people a lot of floors and ceilings with short, wide furniture...