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Carlos Bessa's picture

Can a lower f help?

In architectural photography we are used to see all pictures very sharp on the range of f8 - f11.
Can you shoot on a lower f to catch a certain spacial mood and feeling and still call it architectural photography?

The sense of spaciality and ambient mood in the picture CAN BE much more close to the real architectural experience than a very sharp image.

Not trying to say that this kind of picture always work, but most of the time I see people looking too hard for sharpness and light balance from inside out.

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In photography there is no rules. Picture looks nice - that's it. I personaly like this shot.

Only way I can bring in proper exposure on outside, is to shoot 2 shots on a tripod, then merge, mask the window to keep good color out and m. Is twhat you wanted in this shot

I shoot architecture and interiors for a living and my aperture varies with every composition.

DOF is affected by aperture, focal length and distance to subject (focal point).

I shoot at f8 when appropriate and f11 at other times when it's appropriate. I also shoot at f2.8 and at f32. It really just depends on what I want (or what the client wants).

There are some special regular clients who need other than the regular stuff...and I don't mind giving them something as you mentioned as I get paid for that extra. :)