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Peter Anthony's picture

Ominous Morning Blanket

This shot was the result of a planned architectural sunrise aerial. However, the morning atmosphere can change quickly on the Southwest coast of Florida. Everything was looking good as I set up my equipment in the dark a blanket of fog quickly moved in and I thought all was lost. This was my best shot. I have not done much to the image other than composition cropping, positioning and some corrective rotation for the verticals. Please give me your CC as I value your opinion and look forward to things I might do to refine this and future images.

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1 Comment

This must have been a nice experience. Standing above the clouds in a city with only some building tops around you is kinda cool.

PP wise the image could use some more. First off all, I suggest you make it brighter. And and see if you can leave in the base of the building, although we cannot see it. That way you get more feeling for how tall the buildings are and the height you are standing on.