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Gustav Hoiland's picture

CamRanger + iPad Pro = Best Experience Yet

Just a heads up here to those of you who tether using CamRanger. I've been shooting onto an iPad (the 2 perhaps? Retina screen, but original size) for about a year now and wasn't sure if upgrading to the larger iPad Pro would be worth it. After a full day shooting interiors and exteriors I can confidently say it's very much worth the expense.

-the transfer speed of previews to the iPad Pro feels faster, can't say if it technically is. But it sure was zippy all day
-it never crashed or slowed down after extended use. Often after using CamRanger for 2+ hours without a break it would start to act up and quit
-bigger screen means bigger buttons, and most importantly larger preview images
-accessory-wise, the silicon rear case is very comfortable to hold, and the front flap/wrap case pulls off magnetically. Much better than a knock-off wrap-around case I had on my last model. Perhaps $150 for front/back Apple case, but again, it's a much better experience every minute of using it

I haven't used it with clients yet but I now get to hand them the latest and greatest from Apple. Will my work be better? Not necessarily. Will clients have a better experience on set? Absolutely (especially when there's five heads craning to see the latest preview).

Happy to answer any questions anyone has about usage. I also use CamRanger on my iPhone, generally when shooting more casual exteriors on busy streets. I get the ability to precisely shoot the action and nobody pays me any mind because I look like I'm just standing around flipping through my phone.

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1 Comment

I've been using camranger on my iPhone 6+ and iPad Air 2. Clients have always gone gaga when I hand them a tethered iPad for the first time.

I've had the iPad pro for a few weeks. I'm in love. It's super fast. I have noticed that it seems more stable and zippy.

I just switched to the smaller iPhone 6s today. I'm restoring it as I type... I'm giving it a trial run. I have small hands (I'm 5'5") and the big iPhone is a behemoth. My worries are mostly about battery life as I use Camranger throughout the day for interiors work.

I need to get a silicone case for my iPad Pro!