This was my first attempt at product photography. This was lit using a table lamp diffused by two sheets of tracing paper, a silver bounce card, an Ikea battery operated night light and a snooted cell phone to light the label. The setup looked ridiculous but I think the shot came out great. Water was composited in in Photoshop. Any tips for improvement? CC welcome thanks guys!
Ok. Wow... This is a first attempt? Bang on for that. Very well executed. You highlighted the logo very well. This is often overlooked. If it's constructive critique you want, the small opinions I have would be as follows... 1. You seem to have a small reflection of yourself on the top of the cap. Fixing this would be good and also carrying that nice purple highlight along the side, up to the cap as well. Other than that just the bottoms drop seems to go below what the imagines to be the surface of the table. Overall awesome work!
Thank you for the kind words. Your eyes are incredible, I still can't see a reflection in the cap. I agree with you that I could carry the highlight up higher on the bottle, My purple light (a LED bear shaped night light) that gave a perfect contrast color highlight wasn't very strong, I could bring it out in Photoshop I guess. Thanks for the note about the table I didn't even notice it. I didn't have a black shiny surface so it is actually a black sheet of paper glued to a piece of cardboard with a overhead projector sheet placed on top, so it wasn't completely uniform. I did however produce a great reflection of the bottle.
I like the shot, also - great first attempt. I do think though that there appears to be a reflection on the front of the bottle - or is that part of the label? It's distracting for me. Also, would it not be better to center the subject, unless it is required to move it to the right to make room for text or something. Not sure since I'm new to product photography myself and I'm not clear as to what a client typically requests. Over all I really like the shot. Good work!