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Vaclav Rus's picture

The perfume photo

Hello everyone,

One day I created a final image in my head by looking at the bottle, and then I translate it into reality. The lighting was a bit tricky due to the reflections on the bottle and especially on the label itself. My style and preference is to take everything in one frame (if possible). This photo was no exception. The biggest technical challenge was to time those two drops of water perfectly.

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Wow, what a great photo. The only thing that i would change is the sharpness of the 2 drops of water, but to do this, you need a very high speed of the flash light. I like this photo.

Thank you Matthias for your comment. I appreciate it. I would probably be able to freeze the water completely, but in this lighting set up I would need to raise the ISO to about 400. I did not want that. I think in this case it is not that much destructing when the water has slight motion blur. In my opinion it forces the eye to stay focused on the perfume. I will certainly try another shots to freeze water in motion in the future projects. I will also check your portfolio as well. Thank you again.