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Michael Valade's picture

Light Painting Mustang

Hello everyone. New to Fstoppers, figured I would start with a picture I shot a couple of weekends ago. My sister in law hooked me up with one of her friends and his car. Color screamed graffiti to me, so I found a dark alley with some great art. Shot with Nikon D500 50mm 1.4 lens. Blended 4 exposures. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!

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Looks good. Maybe a little more work on the fender above the headlight, and the hood right at the top of the hood, but overall that's a good looking shot.

Thanks for the comments Todd. The highlights were actually added to the hood and roof from another layer, but I was on the fence about them. I agree about the glare on the fender. I'm working on removing it, having a little issue getting it removed cleanly.