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Gregory Tillman's picture

Gulf Guntherwerks

During Goldrush Rally in 2018 this Guntherwerks Porsche stopped by the shop for the night. Considering how striking it was I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get a couple photos of it. This is the first image of the set that night.

Nikon D750
Flashpoint RL600
Sigma 24-105 ART

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What kind of modifier are you using on your Flashpoint? The lighting is top notch.

If I remember correctly this was just completely bare bulb. It was a matte vinyl wrap, so it was super simple to light thankfully

Ahhhh gotcha. I love shooting matte surfaces. Gorgeous shot as always man.

Really neat shot! Love how the light in front of and behind the car matches the gulf colors. Looks like it's just red light from the taillights and the overall color temperature turning the foreground blueish?

Beautifully captured

Thank you!

Superb lighting, color & comp.

Agreed, great shot