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Andrew Wiest's picture

Shooting my C6 Grand Sport

Decided to get out and shoot some pics of my own car yet. Multiple exposures with various strobe hits and natural light mixing. This color aside from black has been one of the most challenging I've come across since it has alot of purple flop in it. Pretty happy with the results but as always love CC. Thanks for looking!

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Fairly dark color to begin with, strobe was at 1:1 at 600 watts and this is usually the most I can pull out of it unfortunately. Trying to figure out some better ways to light it but so far its been rough.

That looks like a hard color to shoot but there are a couple things to try. First shoot with the sun/sky reflection on the driver side to bring up the base exposure. Then wait until it is darker out and the 600ws strobe will have more effect. If you shoot about 6 exposures along the side if the car and a few around the front snf hood you can use the base as your starting point and layer on the other strobe exposures or use an LED to "light paint" all the panels and A B C character lines. The direct light will bring out the color.
The layer thing only works if you have one shot to do. It takes practice but sometimes it is magic.

Solid advice. Thank you sir! Plan to try and reshoot it here soon and see if I can pull a little more out of it! I'll certainly try this method!

I think you shot the wrong side, better look w/ sunset reflecting off it -- than trying to balance the light the way you did it -- that's why its so damn dark and boring.. that fence is distracting
Secret to car shoots is -- The viewer needs to FEEL the car..you know w/ some IMPACT on the senses. nice try though.. I guess.

Im generally one to take CC pretty well and I appreciate others opinions. Where I do agree it is darker than I'd have cared for it to be I felt it blended ok given the scene. That being said I was curious and took a peek at some of your work. I will say people who live in glass houses should not be so quick to throw stones.