Dear All,
I would appreciate some guidance and reassurance as whether I have the best technique for photographing cyclists on a night ride recently. I normally photograph cycling events during the day, but was asked to come and photograph a night ride.
The camera I used was a Canon 5Diii with a sigma 35mm 1.4 lens. My settings for most of the photos were as follows:
Shutter speed 400
ISO 6400
I was always tried to take the photos where there was maximum light from street lighting and other ambient light. I always did use flash in HSS on the of the photos, but struggling with auto focus and struggled with the flash photos unless the cyclist was very close to me, and obviously the flash recycle time for my on camera flash is slow and there many shots using the flash were under exposed.
I may be asked to take photos at the same event next year and I'm wondering how I can improve my hit rate apart from adding loads more light or getting a more powerful off camera flash with faster recycle times? The event is also a night time event so having too much light kinda defeats the object.
I would appreciate any suggestion from more experienced photographers. Cheers Matt