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Styron Pennywell's picture

Hi everybody! I'm new to the group.

I've been practicing street photography for a little over a year. Atlanta is a driving city, so I strive to capture that experience along with more traditional street photography themes. Constructive feedback is welcomed.

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HI, really nice shots, did you throw your camera around on strap in the third one? Love it! First one needs work on highlights, the second one l would crop most of the top third off...great shots .respect.

Thanks Lynne! LOL, for the third shoot I stabilized the camera with my left shoulder, and just kind of feel out the shot (gotta keep my eyes on the road). Thanks again, I really appreciate your feedback.

Yep some great shots. 2 is good, 3 is excellent.... just the right amount of separation between the two cars. Also like 8 (a lot) and 9.

Thanks Dan! I appreciate your feedback.

I like #5 (without the car), 7, 8 and 9 . Do you have an Instagram?