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Blass De Lima's picture


RIOT in Paris in 2017 against slavery in Libya

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Nice shot. Too cool/ blue. Would love to see this in Black and white. Think it might be more dramatic. Also need to change angle for the shot. That sign growing out of the last guys head... highly distracting. The pole on the front man less so, but still there.

pretty cool. yeah either BNW or realistic toning

poles didn't really bug me at first. but a tighter crop could remove them

lee arthur Chris Wehling Thanks for your analysis.
At the time i did not have any knowledge about composition or rules, and the situation was dangerous so not much time and space to adjust anything...

Yep I understand that. Just some constructive criticism. I was mainly writing about the toning, which is a matter of personal preference. Think of the ‘rules’ just as guidelines. If you’re happy than that’s all that matters!

"Think of the ‘rules’ just as guidelines" i'll try to do JUST that way :)
Thank you, and you can always pass by my images to let a criticism.