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Alan Brown's picture

coffee is togetherness???

A telling moment caught through the window of a Starbucks coffee shop. I'm not convinced the patrons have togetherness on their minds.

Constructive feedback welcomed (whether good or bad) and appreciated.

Edit 5/3/19 - an additional photo has been added to satisfy Phillip's suggestions.

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I like it. I think it would be a little more poignant if she had her head buried in that phone, but the message is still conveyed.

I might try to burn the background to bring those menus down a bit, but other than that, I think the tones are perfect.

Thanks Phillip. I do actually have the image you desire (ie head in phone) but I think the body language of the main characters in this one creates more questions.

I see where you're going with the menus - I think they're an integral part of the story but perhaps they could be toned down as you suggest.

I'll try your suggestions when I get a chance (as well as remove the light in the upper left that I missed....)

Hey Phillip, I've added a second image for your review.

I like it. And I think I prefer the new crop, too. The inclusion of the complete window seems better to me. Either that or clip off everything above their heads.

I like them both, in the first the gaze of the subject on the left leads you to the central figure but also slightly further over to the person with their hood up. The second highlights the point more direcly, with subject looking at her phone. I would rotate the image slightly as the slight difference in width on the far left is distracting from the window as a frame.