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Travis Pinney's picture

Downtown Alleyway

I was in downtown Las Vegas taking photographs of a car for our social media page, when I noticed a lot of people kept walking by behind where I was shooting. I liked what the reflections were doing with the surrounding so I took a few images, This is the one that I liked the most.

Now generally I don't shoot street so a lot of this style is new to me, this picture may be a little too busy but I liked it overall, cropped to 16x9.

Car photo attached as well. Shot on a Nikon D750 with 24-85mm Kit Lens

Alleyway and car shot at 85mm f4.5. ISO 400. 1/250 sec

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Excellent shots

Thank you Marius

Good work travis

Thanks Tracy

Prefer the first of the two. Vignette added? Would prefer the whole image to be the same across the breadth and width as I would see it as something I could be absorbed by. Both nice shots.

Here's the full size photo without the vignette added. I liked the strong vignette because it draws you into the center though I know it's not necessary

Thank Travis, I prefer non-vignette, personally the lines running to the horizon draw me in. There is a lot to take in as you move to the vanishing point and the reflection provides a nice clean contrast.

After looking at both of them back to back I also prefer the non vignette. I thought it would add a "mood" to the photo.

I like the first of the two...especially the reflection and the lines. This would be a nice area to walk in for exploring. Great work there.

Downtown Las Vegas has some really cool back alleyways to walk around in. Tons of really good graffiti around. It's always been our "Arts" district but a lot of companies are coming in and really revamping it and making it cooler/better.

I prefer the second shot; its hard to determine what the focal point of the first shot is.

The main focal point was the guy in black walking down the street but I realize he's a bit too far away to be the true subject. I wish I would have been thinking sooner as we walked right past me and I had plenty of opportunity to snag a closer shot of him. The car was on my mind at the moment.

They look great ! Are you native to LV?

Thanks man! Close enough to a native, I've been here my whole life, my family relocated from Phoenix just after I was born. You?