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Kin Ho's picture

My first time in the page !

This is my first time in the page and in any critique group , i want to improve on my photography skills ! please critique my photos and you can be as harsh as you want to be because it only helps me in my photography .

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Welcome! I think at this point you're simply struggling with finding a quality subject. Your composition is fine but no matter how well you photographed and Photoshoped this location, it's always going to look like a beginners shot.

I like to ask myself: "if anyone else was here in this location would they be able to take a similar shot" and in this instance I say yes, anyone with a cell phone camera would be able to take this exact shot and make it black and white.

I'd like to see you do something that required a bit more planning and post production.

thank you for your advice sir !!

I agree with Lee. The converging lines draw you right in but there's nothing there to look at once you're there. Something that breaks up the symmetry would help or something at the end of the bridge to look at.

thanks !!! i will definitely do that !!