For the very first time, it is excellent. As a matter of fact, its is great even if you had much more practice. Macro is a whole new universe to explore, one that I love. Keep up the good work.
Thanks, yes this is really my first test and the subject is the first spider find in my house. I have taken 87 picture before to have this first result
For the very first time, it is excellent. As a matter of fact, its is great even if you had much more practice. Macro is a whole new universe to explore, one that I love. Keep up the good work.
Thanks, yes this is really my first test and the subject is the first spider find in my house. I have taken 87 picture before to have this first result
Welcome to the land of metadata was included in your image so I have nothing to advise you on............
Nikon D7000, Lens 50mm, ISO 200, f/7, 1/50 sec, Macro extension tube ( 36 mm)