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Jeremy Martignago's picture

Jumping spider on moss

a jumping spider
shot with a Pentax k-x and a Tamron 90mm lit with a speed light.

would love to hear your thoughts and comments

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Hey Jeremy!

You nailed the sharpness, color and focus! The next thing you should work on is diffusing that flash of yours ( and there are literally a million ways to do it). Just Google Macro Photography Setup, speed light diffusion, or anything similar and you'll see the Speedlite with diffusion examples. Find the best option for you and practice with it. That alone will take your photography to the next level. The best place to start is a simple softbox for your Speedlite and that'll work wonders.

Best of luck to you friend! Looking forward to your next one with diffusion 😄

Feel free to ask any questions if you have them and I'll try my best to respond.

Thanks, Alberto,
I will try and make a flash diffuser thanks for the support.