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Ian Luyten's picture

Wasps in the backyard

Hi everybody,
Lately I upgraded from a powershot superzoom camera to a Canon Eos 200D (Also know as the SL2 Rebel in some regions), since I apparently outgrew the powershot (too little megapixels, no RAW, no interchangeable lenses, ...).
Have always been a fan of macro, so I bought the Canon 100mm 2.8 L. This lens, sometimes in combination with a set of Kenko extension tubes and/or a Kenko 2.0x teleconverter, produces - so I want to believe ;-) - pretty good results.
Here some pics I took a couple of hours ago in my backyard ...
I typically shoot macro with low apertures and moderately high ISO, as I shoot handheld and use natural light most of the time.
any comments, critiques, ... are very welcome - always keen to learn !

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Looking good! I think the second two would have benefited from a little fill flash or hitting them with a flashlight. But still very solid shots as they are. Congrats on the new gear!

Thanks !

I got nothing beyond maybe raising the exposure on the last two pics. Other than that, solid work.

Well done.

Thanks !
I believe you are both right 'bout the flash... however I'm still working on getting the flash off camera.
However I believe the slight underexposure helps to emphasize the threatening atmosphere that I feel is in there...
On a side note, I have this little 35mm EF-S macro lens with built in 'ring-like' light, but I dare not photograph wasps with it ;-)

I just mount my speedlight on the hot shoe with a small softbox diffuser. The diffuser is flexable enough that I can bend it to get a little direction, or sometimes I'll cover one half with my hand. It's all about developing your own workflow and style though. They are looking great, keep it up!

Thanks again, I'll experiment with that !

Like Troy, I'll use a speedlight, however, mine has a little extender that comes out so I can have the flash at a 90 degree angle or so and provide light that appears more like the sun than a flash. For extra it also had another flap that will cover the flash to limit overexposure.