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Troy Straub's picture

Tiny Moth (Grass Veneer)

Here's a tiny moth I found today. First shot is 1-1 on my micro 4/3 sensor, second is with 26mm of extension tubes. Both are straight out of camera RAW just brought into PhotoscapeX and resized. Third and fourth and slight crops and my processing. Love to hear any feedback. Thanks!

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It looks like a piece of wood. ;) My favorite is #3. Ooc Raw is always flat and needs some adjustments.

Thanks! When I first started I almost gave up on RAW because I felt like the OOC Jpeg looked so much better than OOC RAW, but after a few months of playing around with the sliders I could see the advantages of RAW. I'm torn between 3 and 4, I like the rolled up carpet look of the wings on the full shot, but the detail of the eye on the close up.

I know what you mean. I like the "rolled up carpet". ;)

RAW is definitely the better choice. Raw isn't a picture though. It's just data. The Raw Converter renders that picture. But this picture is flat. A JPEG is compressed and compression always means lost of data. Raw is the better choice, but it has a little learn curve to process it.

All of the photos are excellent. I have never seen one. Great work.

Thanks! You may have seen them and not realized it. They're tiny and camouflage very well. If you've ever seen tiny moths flying away when mowing or just a walking though the grass, chances are at least some of them were these little guys.