Taken with my Samsung NX500 w/NX 85mm f/1.4 lens @ f/8, HDR at 1/160 sec avg, ISO 100. I shot a 23 x 6 array of images, each a 3-bracket shot so I could create HDRs. So, for post, I started with 414 original images and combined them to one final 48,192 x 23,335 HDR image. At 1.12 gigapixels, it's my first true gigapixel image. For zooming in, it's best viewed at http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/205959. Once there, click the full-screen icon (diagonal arrows) and then click the SNAPSHOTS icon to bring up a small set of zoom-to locations-of-interest icons.
I shot from the 14th floor of the Terminus 200 building - the central building in this image: https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-o/0f/da/7f/a5/view-from-20...