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Adam Vasas's picture

London at night

Two long exposure shots of mine from London.
Post-production in Lightroom.

Let me know what you think. :)

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How cool with the black phone box!

Thanks, Cendrine. It is must shoot gem there. :)

Yes, of course! But the boxes are usually red. ;-)

Indeed they are usually red. I don't know the idea behind the few black ones to be honest.

I liked your first picture! toning and composition are both great. Good job!

Thank you very much. I am really glad you like it.

Love the blue in the 1st image. How long were your exposure times? roughly

Lee! On the first one, it was 4 seconds. :)

The first picture is great! If any improvement is possible, I would’ve reframed to leave out the tree leafes from the upper left corner (not possible to crop). It would’ve been a cleaner shot.
Overall, loved it!

The use of layers in the first shot is spot on.

I like the idea of the second one, it just seems a little cluttered near the bottom, but you can't really control that, so it's understandable.

Overall, good work. I'd love to shoot in London, sometime!

Thanks, Jordan. Yes, the bottom looks like this because of the platform, unfortunately. It is really great to roam the streets in the night with a camera. If you have a chance definitely do it. :)

This photo is AMAZING. I love it. I need to learn how to do this ASAP. I love the B&W with the color streaks....

Thanks, Matt. :)

these are superb Adam