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Peter Strøiman's picture

Potential? I can't seem to really nail it.

I took this shot, some weeks ago, and I think that the composition has potential, but I don't seem to be able process it to make the image really come alive (though I can sometimes be quite harsh when critiquing myself).

I've tried a few times to process it into something interesting, this is so far the best result, but I'm still not quite happy with it.

What can I do to make the image come alive, or is it alive already?

It's been processed entirely in Affinity Photo, with a little help from Nik Color Efex Pro.

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I like the subtle s curve of this image: it feels like you’re having a lovely meditation at a hidden stream. This reminds me of home in Oregon and the quiet places you stumble upon hiking.

As far as post production, perhaps it seems less lively because the hdr style effect tends to push the contrast and make the image much darker and moodier than the original snap. I find myself constantly challenged in my own editing with this same problem; pumping up the shadows and contrast to create drama causes a loss of that light airy ambience as a result and makes the scene less natural.

Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed this image very much.

Thanks a lot for your feedback

I like the overall idea, look and processing. I just personally think (matter of taste) that it is all bit much, especially the "dream effect" (clarity slider?).
I think with more subtlety it would become more refined, tasteful and authentic.

Thanks. I appreciate the feedback.

Crop on the up and right side, giving all emphasis on water patterns.