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Peter Strøiman's picture

Drama added

I was drawn to the simplicity of the composition when I took this photo. But when I looked at the capture, I initially felt it was bland and boring. But after a trip to Affinity Photo I quite like the result.

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Nice job, Peter! Big improvement. Don't know the software. Did you do the usual tonal adjustments, curves, etc. or use a preset/AI features in Affinity?

Thanks. The software is very much like Photoshop, but at a fraction of the cost. It lacks some advanced features from Photoshop, but on the other hand does things Photoshop can't to my knowledge. So I basically used curves and levels adjustments, I think a bit of HSL for a slight hue shift, and some dodging and burning, guided by luminosity masks. Particularly the structure of the grass was dodged using luminosity masks

Thanks! I'm impressed. I thought that possibly the software was doing a lot more of the work for you, as I think Luminar can. When that happens, I wonder who the artist really is. Here, it's clearly you! Well done.

Reasonably. You can always improve by changing the adjustment.