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Geoffrey Seiler's picture

Beauty Dish

Any tips for using a beauty dish? This was my first try with my reluctant model whose hair is always in her eyes. Shot with a grid. The light was softer than I expected. Was at a 45 degree angle from above, but seems a little flat.


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I would say more of the softness is coming from the large amount of ambient light your exposing. I like to use a grided beauty dish for a lot of my work and there is plenty of hard light quality to it.

The attached image here is an image with a few sliders moved in adobe raw. I was photographing an old age makeup and using a grided beauty dish as my key to the left of frame light and a 1'x6' strip box as filler to the right of the frame.

You can see there is pretty good split separation of the face. My profile pic is a self portrait also using the beauty dish going for even darker look.

Thanks, that could be the reason.

You may also want to consider how far away you've got it. It very quickly becomes lifeless (to me) and no different than any other softbox when you move it too far away from the subject