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enrico gallingani's picture

guessing the light setup, male model

hi, i wonder if you can help me in guessing the lighting of this pic


i have to set up the same light to make a realistic photomontage and place another male subject next to that one

the shoulders appear pritty in shadow so the key light seems not very high... probably just above the camera?
or there are two strip lights on both sides?

thank you for your help!

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here the catch lights

thnx Philippe, so the key light is the spot we see very close to the eye pupil... on camera right side and is it an octabox? at what height in your opinion? at the same height of the head of the model?

but the big square we see on the right eye what is it? a window?

2 lights on bg , 1 big light from the side and fill from the other side fill is 2/3 of a stop darker