Model: Lisa Rejen
Photographer: Bram van Dal
Camera settings:
Shutterspeed: 1/180
ApertureL F / 2.5
Iso: 100
Lens: 85mm
Light settings:
To the left I have a studio lamp with an octabox, right back a studio lamp with an umbrella with a reflective white inside and on the right of her a reflector to soften the shadow.
Depending on how the model stands in relation to the studio lamps, the function of the lamp was determined. Due to the position of the lamp on the right-hand side of the model, it has the function of a profile light. But if she had looked to the left, this lamp had the function as a hair light.
A profile light I usually give slightly more power than the lamp on the front, which has the function as fill flash.
Nice portrait. I like how the light on the right rims her face and separates her face from her hair. Without the light on the right, the dropoff from the main light might cause it to merge the shadow of her face with her hair..