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Mark Heavisides's picture

Please view and critique my work.....be gentle

Please could you take a little time and view,rate and give a little constructive critique (be gentle).

New to the site/group and loving the work posted.
Also check out my profile if you have the time

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Hi Mark, Should say Excellent on your work. really nice. tonning are superb!
Following points noticed.

I see something odd looking on Nose on the 5th Image and i think the retouch is little bit over. I feel the same over work on 8th Image as well. specially on forehead on 8th image little bit flatten.

Thanks and noted Asoka. Would you be so kind to grade them on my profile.

Not a problem Mark ;)

Great shots


I really love the last photo .

I think you’ve got some great shots here.

Right off the bat, what impressed me was your lighting; the light in every single shot, though different, works so well for each subject and style.

The only thing that really caught my eye, as far as something I’d have done differently, was the fact that a few of the shots have a really heavy vignette; heavy to the point where it’s creating a very distinct oval shape. I might have angled for a much more feathered vignette and probably brought the midpoint even closer to allow you to still have the same level of tones.

Overall, some great work here!

Noted and thanks Rex

Your work's very good!

Wow there's a lot here, like a lot, sometimes the skin looks a little too "perfect" for my tastes. Great shots

Yeah Joseph I know, just wanted to post a selection of images that I like. I’ve got a lot more.

I can't critique anything else until you put the whites of their eyes back to normal. If you have to brighten the whites of someone's eyes to make the photo interesting you've already lost the war.

Hmmm interesting concept James. You never enhance a persons eyes ?

Never in post production... it ALWAYS looks fake. The poor girl in #7 must have been in a terrible accident to have both eyes removed and replaced with glass ones without veins.

great work i love your range of people. and the tones are really nice!!