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dinesh sahoo's picture


Why do we photograph? 

Some people do it for glamor, for some its money, some find it more of a passion and for some, it's all about opening up one's private space. I belong to the last group of people who love photographing human body, emotions in its naked form. 'BARE' is a self-portrait series of mine dealing with own vulnerability and courage at the same time to shot something which is still considered as a taboo in my society. the pictures have been shot in my living room only where I feel a strong connection. connection with the floor, the wall, the curtains, in fact, everything inside my room and the natural light through the window. 

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Just one observation. The said, "Natural Light" coming through the window does not convey this message.

Thank you Elan. I mentioned that I shot this photograph in natural window light and i always feel connected with natural light portraits.

Sorry, I was referring to the white balance of the light. It does not look natural. Just an observation.

You are right. I had added a bit tint to it. will take care of it