This is from a shoot I did last weekend. It was for a martial arts gym (Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu). There were four students prepared for the shoot and we and a HMAU on site as well. Keep in mind that none of the four students had any modeling experience and they were a bit nervous at first. I did some "loosening up" test shots at first and then just went to work. They all did very well.
This shot was done with a Godox AD600 Pro camera left through a gridded 38" parabolic and a Godox speedlight camera right through a 24" octa. I also had a Godox speedlight behind the subject way camera right and feathered for a bit of hair/separation light.
Hi Daniel,
I like the selection of lights and modifiers, but think it would have been better to place the main light camera right to start. That way you shoot on the side of the part in her hair and avoid the shadow on her forehead and right eye. For athletes a rim light can be nice to accentuate musculature, but maybe that's not what you were after here.