This is my first post on fstoppers and looking for some honest advice. I have been a photographer for myself for the last 20 years but only taking it seriously in the couple years... I am concerned that my images are not bright enough which makes them look a bit dull and uninteresting..
What do you guys think.. any advice would be welcome
I wouldn't say the were totally dull or uninteresting. I think the second shot shows some good promise. I think what you need to think about is what mood you want to set with the lighting and convey in the photo. The first photo the lighting is harsh, and her body language is very straight on.
I wouldn't get concerned with brightness per se, but more the mood you want to convey. Lighting and portraits takes some time and practice. There are some great tutorials on the net, and keep shooting. :-)
This type of lighting (low-key) is my favorite by far. It makes me more curious about the subjects: who are they, what they're thinking, etc. The bottom one is more appealing to me. I think because there's less head room above. Therefore, he seems closer, more personal. But, I like both photos.