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Diane Marie's picture

Please help me perfect this (as much as possible!)

I think this is one of my best portraits. I am just beginning. I’d love to print it, but want to tweak it first. I actually shot it raw, but edited it on my phone as I don’t yet have LR or PS. If you can give me some tips, I will fix it on my phone and also try to replicate it on my laptop using the software I have.

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I actually use https://www.darktable.org/ which has most of the commonly used functionality which Lightroom has but is free software (as in liberty and in beer). And because you didn't learn LR yet you would not have to unlearn anything. On YouTube there are many Darktable tutorials like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=899uLpO2W9w

which explain how to use it.

Now to the image, it would have been nice if the background was darker, cleaner or more blurry to let the subject stand out more and to seperate them from it, but that is not possible all the time.

Perhaps crop it tighter, then the light background would not draw so much attention to my eyes.

I'm not sure if you'll be able to make the skin look a bit warmer by tinkering with the white balance or something.

But overall cute model, good pose, a bit distracting background.

Thank you so much!

I think the photo is good. As for improvements for the next time you shoot something similar, I would (if possible): 1) drop the overall exposure a little and then light her with a flash. Right now the background is a little brighter than her. 2) Watch your background. There is a bright tree/vine on the left side of the image that looks like it is growing out of her head.

Thanks! I might be able to darken the brand a bit. I haven’t done much with flash yet, so I will have to venture in to that uncharted territory.

Diane, I hope you didn't mind but here is a final that I came up with. I put it into PS and only used levels. I gave it an overall adjustment, then I went into the RGB channels and did very small adjustments..and came up with this. The light looked a bit flat but after the smaller adjustments, I got this. It is a great portrait that you took.

Hi Diane, there are software like ACDSee out there on free trail which you might find helpful.

As a freelance landscape photographer myself, there a plenty of first rate portraiture photographer here worth looking into for ideas and inspiration. And yes, the branches do look like they are growing out of her head.

Here I got Before and After edit.
I edit using jpeg 8bit from this post.

lil crop on the top.

This is a good effort for a beginner. I think you just need to get a software package ( I use polarr) and spend time just playing with it. I recommend taking a shot like this and literally running every slider in the program up and down just so you learn what each does.

As for this photo, you have two things to think about next time. Background and depth of field.

Here is a quick stab if what I would do as far as editing this. Just my opinion and just for fun.
