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Ian Fraser's picture

A very serious photo

I Got this shot as a test image today with my Bro-in-law. He is a very serious person and it is hard get an image of him that shows off a less stern side. He is a combat vet Marine with a book deal about his tour in Iraq. I have been helping him with images for his book that is being published. While dialing everything in and discussing potential ideas, I got this shot.

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Hey Ian, my initial thought, the lighting looks a bit flat and perhaps over softened his face? I'm guessing his specialty was in mechanized armour by the gear he has on and think it might be more effective if similar photo can be taken on his tank. The darkened area of his torso looks off to me (imo). Finally, I don't think there's anything wrong with showing his intense side as he is a combat vet Marine. Perhaps a shot in the elements and minus the helmet will better show him as a person as well as a Marine. Semper Fi!

Thanks for the feed back! I wish we could get to an Abrams Tank, We got some other shots that He and I both like more for what the images are to be used for. I just found this to be a comical contrast in some ways. It was a good image to work on my post processing and I will defiantly take the CC to heart.

I can capture his natural stern demeanor, it is a real chore to try and get this guy to be in any way silly.

First, thank your brother in law for his service for me! Second, you are a great photographer... this is a great portrait. If I'm understanding what your going for, for his book....I think the best way to get a relaxed image of him would be perhaps a journalistic style of him with family or friends? I think a portrait should be without the helmet for a more serious look... the scarf and helmet together as a portrait feels not right. It would be better in front of a vehicle or in uniform. You have really good skill so embrace the serious side for the portrait and slightly candid for the relaxed version. Anyhow what do I know....just a thought 😉

Thank you for the kind words. I have taken a few other portrait shots of him that are much better and capture his stern and somber side very well, He doesn't do silly and I find this picture odd and a bit silly. I know this isn't a perfect image, I just find it comical.

I don't mind the serious look. I would even go further by having him squinch a bit. Look up Peter Hurleys website for an explanation of the squinch. It is a good look that many fine actors use almost universally. I would reduce the intensity of the background lighting. It is pulling my gaze away from him. Separate him but just separate him.

Thanks for the feedback Mark. It’s cool to get some feedback from someone in my old hometown.