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Adam Adam's picture

New portrait photos I need your feedback

I did this beauty portrait photoshoot recently and I would like to read your feedback in term of lighting, posing and editing.

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Excellent portraits to my eye, Adam. I'm no portraitist myself, but it looks as if your model is pouting a bit too much in all three images, giving a sort of self-conscious, look-at-me appearance.

On the other hand, if the beautiful woman just looks that way naturally - well, apologies, and good luck to her! It's hard NOT to look at her.

Hey Chris.. i`m really impressed with your observation. Yes, she is like that naturally and as you said it's hard not to acknowledge her presence and look to her.

I like all three images. The only thing I see is in the first one: there seems to be an imbalance in negative space to the right. Either crop or move the camera a bit to camera-left. Again, nothing major.

Thanks for the comment I think if the negative space were in front of her, instead of behind her back would have been acceptable. But in this case, cropping the photo as you suggested would work well.

I agree with Robert about the negative space. Otherwise I like the shot and the result of your editing. Well done! The model is prominent in the picture, strong look. Nice model btw.


nice shots. that shoulder is pretty distracting in 1 and 3, but im just being picky. share with us your lighting setup.

lighting setup: one single softbox (80x80cm) plus a silver reflector underneath. Even though I have started with 2 lighting setup but ended up choosing this photo. The problem that I was facing her face very thin *heart-shaped face) which is not the most flattering thing in beauty photoshoot. So I tried a lot of lighting techniques to minimize that. and i`m not sure if have succeeded but this the results I ended up with.