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King Martins's picture

What makes a portrait interesting

I've been thinking lately, asking myself what makes a great portrait. Is it the lighting, props, subject, pose, expression or even gear? If you were to pick two fundamental things in a portrait what would it be and why?

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Great portraits! That’s a tough one. If I had to choose, I would say lighting and expression. I don’t think those 2 things alone would technically make a great image, but those are the most impactful things in my opinion.

I think I agree with you expression can be really powerful

I'd also say lighting and expression, but would take "expression" farther to also include connection and emotion.

I think emotion is very important, it is important people feel something when they look at your image, thanks for your insight

Portraits, more than anything, need narration to evoke interest. The rest can only compliment or emphasise it. Lovely work, well done :)