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joseph cole's picture

need some guidance

So this is an image i shot this evening of my daughter. I have full intensions of upgrading to a better camera and lenses before i start taking clients but my question here is, is this a good look or am i way off the mark?

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I like the soft, contemplative moment. Did you add a vignette to this in post? If so, it's way too heavy handed. The dark bottom vs. the bright/saturated top is a bit jarring, and the subject is too dark. The eye goes straight to the top of the image first, and then (for me at least) the overly dark bottom part, and THEN the girl and the flowers.

Acquiring new gear is all fine and good when you genuinely need it (or have the money to burn) but if you want to go into business, it's a much better plan to build your skills and keep building with your current gear first - it doesn't look like it's letting you down at all :)

Hope this helps!

Thank you so much for the feedback Sennia I will work on it some more

Practice makes perfect:-) You are on the right track and Sennia gave some good points . As for new gear i would say think about external flash setup . Thats my 2 cents other then practice practice practice :-)

Thanks Victor your absolutely right

I really like the mood of this image and the fact that your daughter is not looking at the camera.

Other than that, I agree with Sennia's comments, especially about the background being brighter than your subject. You can fix that in post by bringing down the lighlights a bit more and then maybe burning it... but for the next time, when you're shooting on location, think about where the light is coming from and use it to your advantage to help light your subject's face. In this case, if you had moved her a little more to her left, she would be standing in that patch of light to create a nice rim light around her and then you could have used a white reflector to bounce some light back into her face.

You're lucky you have a willing subject to practice on. Keep doing that. You're definitely on the right track :-)

Thank you so much Victoria I will look into the reflectors

Reflectors are less expensive than lights if you're starting to build up your gear ;-) I just had a look at your profile and W.O.W. your landscapes are beautiful! Your existing gear seems to be doing the trick - you're definitely using it well!!

Lol thank you!!! I just want to go FF and higher quality imaging to work with in post. The 3300 was a great intro camera but I have grown past it and since I do want to commit to this profession I want to get the right tools. Coming from a construction background I think you could understand my gear lust. ;)

I don't know about my skills as a photographer, but I am REALLY good at buying gear, LOL. I totally understand the gear lust :-) One thing I have learned over time is to just bite the bullet and invest in the highest quality you can afford, rather than cheaping out and then having to upgrade later. It's really hard to sell low-quality gear too, so you can't really recoup what you spent. At least if you buy good quality, it does not depreciate as much if you take good care of it, so if you change your mind or no longer need it, it will be easy to sell without losing too much.

Makes sense to me.