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Jason Buff's picture

"Sara" Fine Art Portrait Workshop

Here's a pic from my workshop yesterday teaching fine art techniques. The model was told to turn her face to the flash, that was positioned slightly behind her face to the left. The fill is a naked flash head pointed into a large white wall behind me.

CC Welcome. I think the only thing that bothers me is the shine on her arm that distracts just a little from her face.

Shot with a Canon 6D, 24-70mm at f/11 ISO 200 1/160

I: www.instagram.com/jabu_studio
W: www.jabustudio.com
F: www.facebook.com/jabustud

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I love this! Love the light, the pose, the backdrop & the processing. I don't mind the shine on her arm at all... but that little piece of fabric in her cleavage does bother me because it looks a bit like a scratch on a print or something and seems out of place. It's not a pretty lace camisole or anything, so I would just clone it out. I would also get rid of those flyaway hairs on her left, just under the flowers. Really beautiful portrait!

Beautiful. I didn't notice the shine on her arm at all until I read that it bothers you. :) I notice some darker shapes at the bottom half of the background (especially to the left of the model) and when looking closer I'm guessing that maybe it's a painted landscape maybe? That's the only thing that is distracting me.