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Kasia Chelinska's picture

New member

Photo rating would be very welcomed

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1 Comment

One piece of advice is to shoot, shoot, shoot. As in every critique, sometimes you might need to take comments with a grain of salt if you trying something achieve something specific. In regard to this image, maybe lowering your camera angle would improve the portrait. The background seems distracting, so shifting the camera position to use the wall as a simple background would alleviate that distraction. One the other hand if the background is included to create an environment, then I might do more crafting of the scene. Your exposure is good. Your subject is interesting. I like the in-focus depth of field even though the current taste has a taste for a shallower depth of field (this is a function of your f-stop). If your exposures are relatively the same as this image, then keep on doing what you're doing, then maybe start experimenting with different kinds of light. Here is a link to a good article about flash: https://fstoppers.com/education/complete-flash-tutorial-free-405249.

Happy creating!